
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Subway Sketches on BART

Shaky train, shaky pen; ink with digital coloring
Guns Before Butter on Shaky BART Train by Jana Bouc

This lady carefully marked up her cheesy crime novel, "Guns Before Butter" with her pencil as she read. The train ride was really bumpy and so my ink line got pretty squiggly. I switched to drawing her after a big guy with a bike got on and completely blocked my view of the man above her.

Two guys in green, ink & colored pencil
Two guys in green, ink & colored pencil by Jana Bouc
I experimented in my brown craft paper sketchbook, drawing with a black brush pen on BART and (above) adding white pen and colored pencil at home.

More Brown Paper People
More BART people by Jana Bouc

And below, some ink drawings done on BART with watercolor added at home later.
Elderly Asian couple, ink & watercolor
Elderly Asian couple, ink & watercolor by Jana Bouc
Waiting patiently, ink & watercolor
Waiting patiently, ink & watercolor by Jana Bouc

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