
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Silicon Valley Sketchcrawl

I went down on Saturday to join the Sketchcrawl Silicon Valley group at Pillar Point near Half Moon Bay.  Pillar Point is the only natural harbor between S.F. and Santa Cruz and has been used by coastal fishermen for centuries.  Near the West Parking Lot there are beautiful ocean views and, looking back to land, piers and boats and kayakers and dogwalkers and a big military radar tracking station.  Unfortunately, the sketching group was at the OTHER parking lot, and I never connected with them.
Bided my time drawing the huge structure looming over the parking lot

Hmmm. . . no one arrived, so I drew down the trail overlooking the ocean.

Went further and saw this homemade labyrinth.

And a strange view of the radar station on the bluff.


  1. OH NO! wish we could meet you that day!

    The weather was perfect for sketching, wasn't it? Not too cold and the fog was coming toward to the bay by the time we were leaving.

    I love your sketches, btw. :)


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