
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sketchcrawl SF 10/13/12

My friend Corinne and I were part of the 37th Worldwide Sketchcrawl in S.F. last Saturday 10/13/12, centering on the Alternative Press Exposition (run by the ComicCon people) at the Concourse Exhibition Center at 8th and Brannan.  We began at around 11 a.m. and ended the day at 4:30, sharing sketchbooks with some Academy of Art students and a visiting artist from France.

Started in front of the exhibition hall with just a few other sketchers.

Creative displays of all kinds of products

Many were for children. . . or the child within us.

My first try at representing cellophane in watercolor.

This was a VERY popular booth.

Bought this seasonal hairclip as a holiday souvenir.

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