
Monday, December 17, 2012

Airstream Coffee Kiosk at Flowerland Nursery

Flowerland Cafe, ink & watercolor, 6×8
This is the first vintage Airstream trailer food truck I’ve seen and it doesn’t travel. It’s set up on blocks inside Flowerland Nursery on Solano Avenue in Albany (California–next door to Berkeley).

I can’t think of a better place to enjoy a good cup of coffee than in a lovely garden. The lovely folks at Flowerland put interesting chairs and tables throughout the nursery, turning the whole place into a sort of garden cafĂ©. You can get your coffee and then sit among the palms, the native plants, fruit trees or climbing vines to enjoy it.

And when you finish your coffee, you can take home the chair you sat on or the plant you sat beside (for a price of course).

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