
Friday, January 4, 2013

California New Year's Day

Inspired by Montreal Sketchers, four of us braved the cold (for California) and sketched from the top of the IKEA parking garage in Emeryville. We had views of the Bay Bridge, cranes in Oakland, the freeway and palm trees.


  1. I really like the lively pen lines. The colors are quite lovely. Very appealing to me. Just what I love in sketches, seeing the artist's hand.
    By the way braving the cold here in Spokane WA is roughing out 30 degrees and several inches of snow. And, this is a mild winter!

  2. I am so glad we inspired you Cathy!! This month it is too cold even for us so we are going to the museum. We do have our limits.
    Love the sketches. They look so warm to me. There's greenery in there!! Great view through the palms to the road below.


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