
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Plates & Ale at Pyramid Brewery

Sketching People from above and Apricot Ale, ink & watercolor, 5x8"
I started the evening by sketching from the second floor looking down at Pyramid Brewery. Then I got hungry and joined the group in a booth. I ordered the Apricot Ale the menu recommended with my Blackened Salmon dinner and sketched it while I waited for my food.
Plates at Pyramid, ink & watercolor, 5x8"
Wedged into a corner of the booth I drew what I could see from my seat.


  1. Nice foreshortening with the seated group of people. Sounds like a good time!

  2. Thanks Richard. The guy in the back was actually standing, not super tall. We always enjoy going there. Good food and drinks and interesting architecture and then there's the brewing vats and pipes too.


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