Monday, June 6, 2011

Benicia Old Town Waterfront: Losers, Finders, Keepers

Benicia Waterfront, Ink and Watercolor, 5x7"
Benicia Waterfront, ink and watercolor,7x5"
I accidentally overslept so when I finally arrived at our Benicia paintout at 11:00 I was an hour late. I didn't see any other artists around. The wind was blowing so hard that I sat in my car to sketch, listening to NPR on the radio. Everything was going great, I was drawing with my favorite Lamy Safari Extra Fine Fountain pen and then painted with my watercolors set up on the passenger seat.
Benicia Waterfront Street Light, ink and watercolor,7x5"
Benicia Waterfront Street Light, ink and watercolor,7x5"
I turned to draw a different view, but when I reached for my pen it was gone. I searched everywhere, inside the car, under the car, nearby on the ground. No pen. I retraced my path when I'd gotten out of the car to look around and take photos. Nothing. I asked people walking by but nobody had seen my pen. I returned to the car and searched every nook and cranny again, twice. [Story continues on]

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