Monday, December 15, 2014

A Victorian Christmas Card Come to Life!

I went with the SF Sketchers Meetup group to the Dickens Fair in San Francisco. What a great place to sketch! Hundreds of people dressed in beautiful costumes. As the website says: "Enter the world of Charles Dickens and revel in a Victorian London where it's always Christmas Eve. To recreate old London town, we transform over three acres of vintage exhibition halls into lamplit lanes, pubs and theatres, dance floors and music halls, tearooms and shops. Hundreds of costumed characters from genteel to boisterous bring the town to life and interact with patrons."


  1. Looks like a fun event to sketch. Drawing so many people seems daunting to me but you did a great job.
    Aloha, Kate

    1. Thanks Kate, we had a good time and there was so much going on it was easy to sketch. Check Laurie's sketches above.


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