Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Cautionary Lights Optional - San Francisco Railway Museum

A sketch of my recent visit to a free little museum in San Francisco all about the history of our street car system. If you hunt around you can find some interesting tidbits like traffic lights manufactured with no middle yellow light! Even more interesting are visitors who wander into the museum and talk about "the way things were back in the day." --Vivian Aldridge

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely done! You always work on papier? You must be very skilled, can be a tricky media, yes? Love your work. Can't wait to see your knitting and crochet work too, maybe someday soon. I've been making papier mache masks, some acrylic portraits and this and that. Each day working in the studio, very enjoyable. Lots of great memories with that wonderful knitter of foster city. Miss that wonderful creature...friend blakkee fr hdale


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